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Radio á carta
Escoita online os podcasts dos teus programas favoritos de Radiofusion.
Praza Alcalde Ramón Souto s/n, 15500 Fene (A Coruña) Galicia - Tfno. 981 492 773 -
01 RAIN PARADE - Blue 1984
02 THE dB´s - She´s Not Worried 1981
03 THE FEELIES - On the Roof 1986
04 THE NECESSARIES - More Real 1981
05 HAWKS - Spend This Evening 1981
06 THE GENTRYS - Goddess Of Love 1970
07 ARNOLD BEAN - Captain Marvel 1971
08 THE RUGBYS - Lines Of Tonight 1969
09 LAZARUS - Stay With Me 1970
10 HY SLEDGE - Canadian Exodus 1971
11 BOURBON - La Triste Realidad 2018
12 LOS ESTANQUES - Madame Burdel 2016
13 MELANGE - Río Revuelto 2017